About We Eat Robots

Welcome to We Eat Robots, the publication for productivity-hungry professionals who want to feast on the power of AI to improve work and life. I'm Tim Metz, a seasoned entrepreneur, content marketer, and productivity enthusiast on a mission to help you become a productive superhero in the age of AI.

My Story

For years, I've been fascinated by AI's potential to transform the way we live and work. In 2015, I co-founded Saent, the company behind the world's first focus device, and Lifeline, an advanced Pomodoro timer for macOS.

I've also been toying with a book idea called Eating Robots For Breakfast for eight years now (with as many drafts to show for it). The book explores how we can excel in the AI-driven future of work with our uniquely human strengths.

In my current role as the Marketing and AI Innovation lead at Animalz, one of the world's premier content marketing agencies, I've been on the frontlines of the ongoing battle “Creatives vs. Robots” since 2022.

Battles aside, with the arrival of powerful AI models like GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus, true artificial intelligence is no longer a distant dream. AI tools and techniques can unleash your inner productive superhero and make us better humans.

Our Mission

With We Eat Robots, I'm committed to exploring AI's possibilities while acknowledging its limitations and potential drawbacks.

I know firsthand how exciting and intimidating the rapid advancement of AI can be. When I first saw AI writing content, I felt excited and terrified about what it meant for my work as a writer.

That's why I started We Eat Robots – to guide you through this uncharted territory. I believe that AI can make us all better thinkers, creators, and communicators — but only if we approach it with curiosity, care, and a spirit of experimentation.

My motto is simple: if you don't learn to eat robots for breakfast, you might end up as their lunch!

What We Offer

Through our weekly newsletter and other resources, we serve up a menu of:

  • Actionable tips and strategies on using AI to boost your productivity, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

  • Handcrafted templates, prompts, and tips to help you squeeze every last drop of value from AI-powered apps and platforms.

  • Thought-provoking articles and discussions on the future of work and the role of AI in our personal and professional lives.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, student, or professional craving optimized performance and a competitive edge, We Eat Robots is your go-to source for all things AI and productivity.

Our content is designed to be accessible and palatable to anyone, regardless of their technical background or experience level with AI. We focus on simple, easy-to-implement strategies that can make a real difference in your daily life—no coding skills or computer science degree required.

Ready for a taste? Check out some previous articles I’ve written about AI:

Join the Community

We Eat Robots is more than just a newsletter—it's a community of like-minded individuals hungry for personal growth, productivity, and cutting-edge technologies. By subscribing, you'll gain access to exclusive content, discussion threads, and opportunities to connect with fellow productive superheroes.

Simply enter your email below to join the We Eat Robots community and start receiving our weekly insights straight to your inbox. It's completely free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Join We Eat Robots today, and let's start devouring those algorithms for breakfast!

Let's Connect

Got questions, ideas, or want to say hi? I'd love to hear from you! You can reach me through Substack Notes, LinkedIn, or X.

Subscribe to We Eat Robots

Become a productive superhero, not an algorithm's lunch. Weekly templates, tips, and thoughts on how AI can improve your work and life.


Become a creative superhero, not an algorithm's lunch. Weekly templates and tips on how AI can amplify your writing and content marketing.